Curabitur tortor purus

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Duis mi velit, auctor vitae leo a, luctus congue dolor. Nullam at velit quis tortor malesuada ultrices vitae vitae lacus. Curabitur tortor purus, tempor in dignissim eget, convallis in lorem. Pellentesque non magna est. Sed sed mattis felis. Curabitur orci turpis, pharetra in tristique quis, luctus ut purus.

About Me

Tiffany Elle Burgess

Tiffany Elle Burgess was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1997, she received a Presidential Scholarship to Hampton University (H.U.). She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from H.U. in 2001 and a Master of Public Health degree from Emory University in 2002. By day, she is a public health consultant. By night, she is an actress, producer, and writer.

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